And with digital technology, suddenly your brand investment becomes hardwired to your sales function and audience impressions are converted into customer action:
- Social media is fueled by entertainment topics. These topics create conversations about clothing, style products, furniture, technology, cars, boats and planes that have appeared on screen. And in the digital world, conversations lead directly to your digital sales channels.
- Online and mobile content that your audience chooses to consume provide an immediate and direct link to special offers and sales channels. Click-through is here. Providing the facility to click on any object in a scene, click through opens a window with product information leading to a product web site. As a result, it is the most immediate and direct route from real, focused, audience involvement to customer action.
Traditional offers and promotions also get the star treatment:
- Show business and entertainment events surrounding a brand placement can bring high value customers out for face-to-face contact and lead generation.
- Entertainment-linked point of sale and on-pack promotions demand immediate attention, being in the topic of the moment
- DVD sales provide a hard delivery mechanism for promotional information
- Your existing promotions and sales budgets – refocused on entertainment integrated activity – get a huge boost from entertainment property buzz, without adding anything to your bottom line.
Marked Entertainment has the skills and the experience to help you negotiate and structure licensing agreements with networks and studios. Our team has long experience of helping clients create crossover campaigns for placements or integration using methods such as traditional advertising and media, world premieres, in-store point-of-sale materials, private screenings, sweepstakes, and premiere parties.
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