Pelican Products needed a ubiquitous and reputable platform in which to organically showcase Pelican Products and its CEO Lyndon Faulkner. The integration needed to be natural in its execution with caution exercised so not to appear contrived or forced.
Utilizing existing industry relationships, Marked Entertainment assisted Pelican and CEO Lyndon Faulkner in applying and auditioning as a potential qualified on-air mentor for Bloomberg's The Mentor. After working with the show's executive producer and network personnel, an initial off-camera interview was brokered, during which Lyndon was briefed on potential Small Business Owners (SBO) companies and specific areas needing mentoring. Lyndon's professional experience and continued success with Pelican, particularly in manufacturing, led to a natural synergy with Big Bear Choppers. Production schedules were made based on CEO availabilities and location shoots were booked.
Bloomberg's The Mentor is an original new series by Bloomberg Television featuring top CEOs mentoring small business owners across America. What if entrepreneurs from around the U.S. had the chance to get real-life advice from some of America's best-known CEOs? The Mentor tests that concept.
Branded pelican products were featured in both the background and foreground of scenes throughout the episode, which included a cool behind-the-scenes tour of the Pelican Products headquarters. CEO Lyndon Faulkner reached both small and large businesses with inspirational and informative messages throughout the episode. His credible business advice such as "always communicate with customers, even when delivering difficult news" reinforced perceptions of his wisdom and leadership, as well as Pelican's brand equity.
Pelican was on the second season premiere episode of The Mentor on Bloomberg, whose viewers have the highest median household income and highest median net worth among cable news networks in the US. The exposure also amplified media buzz and general awareness of the brand. The episode was easily found on Pelican's and The Mentor's homepages and Pelican's global employees and customers were notified of the exposure.
The episode was featured in publications that speak to a variety of professions, ages and lifestyles who might be interested in Pelican Products, including Fire Engineering magazine, which reaches over 50,000 readers monthly, ISHN magazine, which has a monthly readership of 71,400 safety and health professionals who direct safety and health programs in high-hazard workplaces, and Business Week, which has 4.8 million monthly readers in 140 different countries and featured an advertisement of episode. The website "Campus Entrepreneurship" recommended the episode and the video was reposted on AOL news, YouTube and World News, amongst others. Pelican and Bloomberg shared episode information, pictures and videos with Facebook and Twitter followers, who responded by sharing and retweeting the information. Bloomberg included additional embedded videos on The Mentor's Facebook page and allowed people to "share" quotes by the CEOs, including Faulkner. This exposure made sure Pelican was seen by a large audience.